// About me //
Fick en impuls att kolla upp lite random facts kring mitt namn... Jag har ju tidigare nämnt att
jag brukar kalla mig själv för "free bird", vilket nu känns väldigt passande: Charlotte, a name
of Old German origin, and the meaning of Charlotte is "free man". Sjuuukt kul! ;D
jag brukar kalla mig själv för "free bird", vilket nu känns väldigt passande: Charlotte, a name
of Old German origin, and the meaning of Charlotte is "free man". Sjuuukt kul! ;D

Lite annat jag hittade som också (spännande nog) stämmer äckligt bra:
People with this name tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves. They are
drawn to the arts, and often enjoy life immensely. They are often the center of attention, and
enjoy careers that put them in the limelight. They tend to become involved in many different
activities, and are sometimes reckless with both their energies and with money.
In addition to Charlie, Lottie makes a cute nickname.
(...kul att mina svenska vänner kallar mig Lotti, och "icke-svenska" väljer Charlie... Haha!)
OCH JAAA, jag tycker det är skitkul med historia bakom namn, zodiacs osv.... Har tidigare
gjort en liten research på vad som sägs om personer födda i "Hästens år" (ex 1990), stämde
sjukt bra! ~länk till inlägget~
...kanske lika bra att kolla upp vad det står om mitt stjärntecken också då!? ;)
PISCES. The most emotional, yet reasonable of all 12 zodiac signs. Pisces have some of
the most abstract and spiritual dreams which greatly reflects on their unique personalities
and makes them stand out from the rest of the signs. Their emotions play an major role on
their decision making, which is usually why things only get worse when Pisces are going
through tough times. However do not be fooled by their weaknesses for they are excessively
intuitive and observant. A smart Pisces can catch a liar in a heartbeat, which makes them
great detectives and lawyers. Their emotions are the most valuable to them and they will do
what ever it takes to avoid emotional pain. Just like porcupines have needles to protect them
from being eaten, Pisces has a heightened sense for catching a liar or fake before you can
hurt their feelings or lead them on.

Hittar så mycket kul så jag orkar inte med allt... Hälften bullshit, men vafan!? ;)
(...fast det här nedanför stämmer fan, om jag får vara liiite självgod, haha)