Overcoming Overeating

// Tänkvärt //

The Overcoming Overeating

  • Compulsive eaters are people whose hands or minds move toward food
    when they are not at all hungry. Compulsive eating has nothing to do with
    the size of your body. Compulsive eaters come in all shapes and sizes.
    Compulsive eating has to do with how many hours you spend preoccupied
    with thoughts about what you are eating and what you look like.
    The Overcoming Overeating approach does not address eating disorders;
    it addresses dieting disorders, the casualties of the diet industry.

  • Compulsive eating may seem self-destructive, but it is always an attempt
    at self-help

  • Diets never, ever solve eating and weight problems!!! Diets cause
    compulsive eating.

  • Significant change flows only from self-acceptance, never from self-contempt.

  • Food is not the compulsive eater's problem, it is the solution.
    The Overcoming Overeating approach teaches people how to eat their way
    out of an eating problem.



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