Bad update

// English text //

Sorry, the last days I have just felt depressed and haven't taken the time to update...
I work, eat (way too much) and sleep. And the more I eat/gain weight, the more tired
and depressed I get, which leading to even more bingeing... Bad bad BAD circle... =/

...and when she leaves, the 1st of December, it won't be long until I go home as well.

Today I have talked to my grandparents. They were so happy that I called!!! <3
My grandad (one of them) told me that my sweet darling/cat have become really fat.
Then we can be fat together... But not for long, because I have to loose some kilos
when I get home. Otherwise I don't know what to do. UUuuuhhhh.....o.O


  • Ina säger:

    Ja men akta Morris. Inte bra för katter och djur allmänt vara tjocka:( Även om jag tycker typ att tjocka katter fanimej är det sötaste som finns...

    Mamma säger att Svennis går runt i mitt rum och letar efter mig, GUD JAG LÄNGTAR SÅ MKT EFTER KISSARNA:(

    2010-11-26 | 18:10:21

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