Stuck in London!!!
// English text //
...why!? Because me and my mum have been STUCK in London. She came here to
Sussex the 27th of November, and we left to London the 29th..... Then she were
supposed to leave the 1st of December, but what happened!? SNOWSTORM!!!!!
It was a total chaos in almost every part of UK. No trains worked, and the airports
were closed for several days. Me and my mum had to stay at the hotel for 4 extra
nights..... Lucky us, we could stay at the same hotel - in the same room..... ^^
But now, finally, I'm back in Sussex!!! The kids seems to be really happy to see me.
(for the moment they are screaming like crazy, sitting under the table and climbing
on my legs) .... Awh, "cuties"... I will miss them, the dogs, the horses and Nele sooo
much!!! I mean, now I am leaving in just a few days... Sad...

(soon I will publish a lot of pics from London - don't miss that)